MS8112 – two-channel controller with alarm and timer

76,5081,60 VAT_not included

  • Two controllers and a multifunctional timer in one housing
  • Simultaneous control of two technological variables
  • Programmable control – On/Off and P, independent for both channels
  • Digital input for Selection of two sets points
  • Third output for timer or alarm – user selectable
  • Simplified operation

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MS8112_2016-06-10 EN

MICROSIST MS8112 is designed to control two technological quantities simultaneously, for example temperature and temperature, temperature and humidity, etc.
The two channels of MS8112 operate independently of each other.
MS8112 has the option of a built-in (independent) timer, with user-selectable operating modes. The device is also equipped with a second digital input for selecting two set points for both channels (SP1/SP2).
MS8112 has three discrete outputs – two control outputs, respectively for channel 1 and 2, and an alarm output or output controlled by the built-in timer block. The controller can implement on/off or proportional control (programmatically selected). The outputs are controlled respectively by on/off logic (ON/OFF) or by variable-duration pulses (PWM). The parameters of proportionality zone, hysteresis, alarm levels and others are user-adjustable.


With timer, Without timer

Sensor / Analog Input

Pt100 sensor, TC-J_thermocouple

Range, deg C

-19.9…99.9, 0…400, 0…600

Discrete digital output

K1,K2,K3 – relays SPDT NO/NC, K1,K2,K3-OK, K1,K2-OK; K3-Реле SPDT NO/NC

Power supply

230 VAC / 50 Hz

Accuracy / Stability

0.15 %FS; 100ppm/°C


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