Showing all 2 results
MS9024 - MODBUS RTU programmable transmitter with universal input
€91,80 VAT_not included
Universal input with built-in linearization for 11 resistance temperature detectors and 10 thermocouples, as well as 3 user-adjustable sensors
Four-, three- or two-wire circuit for connecting the resistance temperature detectors
Automatic temperature correction of the cold end of all thermocouples
Isolation of the input from the output signal
MS9054 - USB/UART programmable triple-isolated transmitter with universal input
€99,45 – €104,55 VAT_not included
Two modifications (optional)
- MS9054-A – with active output
- MS9054-P – with passive output
Professional class accuracy - up to 0.015%
Ultra temperature stability - 0.002% / °C
Universal input with built-in linearization for 11 thermistors and 10 thermocouples, as well as 3 user-adjustable sensors
Four-, three- or two-wire connection scheme